Friday, May 11, 2012

How to install complex script and right to left languages of control panel?

click 'Start'

click 'Control Panel'

click 'Regional and Language Settings'

click 'languages' tab

Place a checkmark in the 'Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages' box

click 'details'

click select the default keyboard layout and language from the pull-down menu

click add to add languages and fonts

select a text 'input' language

Select a language

click 'ok'

click 'advanced'

select the language font

click 'apply'

click 'ok'

You may be asked to insert your Windows install CD


Another Option

Most of the laptop pre-installed with XP archives the content of the installation CD on the hard-disk. The location of the archive depends on the brand/company you bought the laptop from. When you first boot the laptop, it will ask you to backup the system to CD so you can recover the XP in case you need to reinstall.

If you have the hard-disk formatted, you maybe able to buy the XP from the company that you bought the laptop from and the CD is different for different models, so make sure you order the right one for you laptop. It's possible to just buy the XP CD off the shelf, but you may have to find drivers for your laptop and it sometimes maybe difficult depending on how popular the model of your laptop is.

If it's just looking for a specific system file, fonts and keyboard layout, you may be able to find them on the net. When it ask for the CD try pointing to some random directory and see what files is it looking for.

More Idea.

If you don't have a XP CD, so u have to do the following.

Enabling CTL (Complex Text Layout) on XP. (For Arabic, Thai, indic, hebrew, etc).

1) Go to control panel and click "Regional and Language Options".
2) Click the "Languages" Tab
3) enable the "Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages (including Thai)" checkbox.
4) click apply

It will prompt you for all the missing files if you don't have a XP CD. All the files are available on the net and I'm not sure about the copyright issues. I've listed the files below so you can google them and make sure that there's no copyright issues. Copy the files to one folder and point to that folder when it's looking for the missing files.

85f1255.fon UPCEB.TTF artrbdo.ttf kbdfa.dll rodtr.ttf
85f1256.fon UPCEBI.TTF artro.ttf kbdgeo.dll sere1255.fon
85f874.fon UPCEI.TTF browa.ttf kbdheb.dll sere1256.fon
85s1255.fon UPCEL.TTF browab.ttf kbdindev.dll serf1256.fon
85s1256.fon UPCFB.TTF browau.ttf kbdinguj.dll simpbdo.ttf
85s874.fon UPCFBI.TTF c_10004.nls kbdinhin.dll simpfxo.ttf
ANGSA.TTF UPCFI.TTF c_10005.nls kbdinkan.dll simpo.ttf
ANGSAI.TTF UPCFL.TTF c_10021.nls kbdinmar.dll smae1255.fon
ANGSAU.TTF UPCIB.TTF c_28596.nls kbdinpun.dll smae1256.fon
ANGSAUI.TTF UPCIBI.TTF c_708.nls kbdintam.dll smaf1255.fon
ANGSAZ.TTF UPCII.TTF c_720.nls kbdintel.dll smaf1256.fon
BROWAI.TTF UPCIL.TTF c_862.nls kbdsyr1.dll ssee1255.fon
BROWAUB.TTF UPCJB.TTF c_864.nls kbdsyr2.dll ssee1256.fon
BROWAUI.TTF UPCJBI.TTF c_iscii.dll kbdth0.dll ssee874.fon
BROWAUZ.TTF UPCJI.TTF coue1255.fon kbdth1.dll ssef1255.fon
BROWAZ.TTF UPCJL.TTF coue1256.fon kbdth2.dll ssef1256.fon
CORDIA.TTF UPCKB.TTF couf1256.fon kbdth3.dll ssef874.fon
CORDIAB.TTF UPCKBI.TTF david.ttf kbdurdu.dll thawbrkr.dll
CORDIAI.TTF UPCKI.TTF davidbd.ttf kbdusa.dll tradbdo.ttf
CORDIAU.TTF UPCKL.TTF davidtr.ttf lvnm.ttf trado.ttf
CORDIAUB.TTF UPCLB.TTF frank.ttf lvnmbd.ttf vgaf1255.fon
CORDIAUI.TTF UPCLBI.TTF ftlx041e.dll mriam.ttf vgaf1256.fon
CORDIAUZ.TTF UPCLI.TTF kbda1.dll mriamc.ttf vgaf874.fon
CORDIAZ.TTF UPCLL.TTF kbda2.dll mriamfx.ttf vgas1255.fon
KBDVNTC.DLL ahronbd.ttf kbda3.dll vgas1256.fon
UPCDB.TTF andlso.ttf kbdarme.dll mriamtr.ttf vgas874.fon
UPCDBI.TTF angsab.ttf kbdarmw.dll msdlg874.fon
UPCDI.TTF angsaub.ttf kbddiv1.dll nrkis.ttf
UPCDL.TTF angsauz.ttf kbddiv2.dll rod.ttf

I hope this info is useful for anyone who have the same issues.

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