Friday, May 11, 2012

How to Update Facebook Status From Google Plus?

Google plus is the newbie in the market of social networking site. It is gaining the popularity in high speed, surely a big threat to the Facebook, who is leading in the race of competition.

A new Web browser extension called Google+Facebook inserts Facebook's social network right into your Google+ stream view, accessible through a new "Facebook" button at the top of the page. Although fun, the extension does need some work, if we're being honest. Google+Facebook is pretty basic right now. All it does is display your News Feed within the Google Plus interface. But to like or comment on any item, you have to click the link "view this post on Facebook." There's also no access to other Facebook features like Games, Events, Profiles, Friend Requests or Photo Albums.

Follow these steps:
  • Install the plugin (Download Link is provided at the end of the post!!)
  • It will ask for permission for accessing basic information from Facebook. Just allow it!!
  • You will need to connect with the Facebook to activate Google + Facebook.

  • Restart Browser
  • Go to Google plus.
  • Connect with Facebook.Start updating.
  • Click on "Whats on your mind"
  • Enter your Status in the new Window

  • Share and you can see the status updated from Google plus in the Facebook page....It shows "via Googleplus"

Note: The Google+Facebook extension is currently supporting Chrome and Firefox only. Due to https:// security level issues with Internet Explorer, Google+Facebook does not support IE. We are working on a fix for that.

Most of the people wants Google plus. If anybody need please ask me. I have invitations.

Download Plugin from Here


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