Friday, May 11, 2012

Nagios XI : A Free Network Monitoring Tool

Nagios XI is the most powerful IT infrastructure monitoring solution on the market. Nagios XI extends on proven, enterprise-class Open Source components to deliver the best monitoring solution for today's demanding organizational requirements.

Designed for scalability and flexibility, XI is designed to make problematic IT monitoring tasks simple, while retaining the powerful attributes of its enterprise-class foundation blocks.

You can monitoring a complete network along with your servers including, DNS, DHCP, active directory, web server and many more. NagiosXI is free and you and its completely Linux based. There are Virtual machines available on the website that you just need to copy and start and you will be in control.

Nagios XI is a product built upon Nagios Core (the open source offering) that really makes Nagios much easier to use and configure, due to its nice PHP front-end and some really slick sugarcoating.

Nagios XI does what Nagios Core does: it monitors hosts and services. Hosts can be almost anything: a router, remote Linux server, a remote Windows system, a web site. The services that can be monitored are impressive: ping responses, memory usage, CPU usage, bandwidth usage, whether a website has changed content, whether a particular service is available (e.g. SMTP, HTTP, DHCP, etc.) and a lot more. Nagios, both Core and XI, is impressive.

Download Nagios XI from Here


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