Monday, June 11, 2012 : Website That Converts PDF Files To Powerpoint Presentations

Many instruction manuals and other online reference content are saved as portable document format (PDF) files due to the file's small size and ease of use with the appropriate PDF reading software. Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) slides are frequently used in presentations as a reference point for the speaker. While pages in a PDF file may be relevant to use in a PPT presentation, the original source material might not be available.

Ever imagined you could edit that pdf file and reuse it again? Well, here is an online tool that helps you achieve this. is an online tool in which we have to upload the PDF files and in return it’ll email the converted files back to us. The site helps you to easily use the unusable information from presentations and edit them in power point. Once the formerly PDF file is converted into an editable form, the user can easily edit the styles, font and other important content. This lets you make changes in former presentations, update information and even copy-paste information from other documents in other formats. is a free service where you can upload your uneditable files, a copy of which is sent to your E-Mail account in editable format. Download the editable file from your account to your PC and here you are, you can easily edit the file. The layout of the PDF file is retained in the newly created Powerpoint presentation. This tool replicates the text and images to the Powerpoint presentation in the same layout as it was in the PDF file., is useful in converting your pdf file into powerpoint, retaining the original layout (including text and pictures, if any). With this conversion the user can easily edit the information and reuse it.

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