Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Vidinotes.com : Makes printable image notes (eg. pdf) from video

Do you want to take screenshot from a video? And then customize images extracted from the video with custom title and description. Also, make a printable file or generate PDF file containing those customized screenshots. Ideally, you will need heavy loaded software for such image capture and editing routine. Now you can do all this online without need to install any software at Vidinotes website.

Vidinotes.com was founded to expand the use of online videos. While online videos provide entertainment and understanding, learning from videos is not very practical. Vidinotes is the bridge from video to learning, allowing users to create their own notes of a video, including images taken directly from the video, then print or save their new document.

How To Make printable image notes from video ?
1. Open Vidinotes website in the browser.

2. Click Browse button to select and upload FLV video file (upt 25MB) for capturing screenshots. You can download any online video like Youtube, Dailymotion etc and use with this tool to extract image screenshots from that video.

3. Then capture images (upto 30 pics). Also add titles and descriptions to images. Give a title to your Vidinote.

4. You can generate PDF file containin screenshots with descriptive text or send it to printer for hard copy format.

Above is an example screenshot of a PDF file screenshots captured and edited using vidinotes tool. For sure easy to use tool for not so easy process of captuing and editing screenshots. Try it!

Visit Vidinotes.com HERE

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