Saturday, May 12, 2012

How To View All Of Your Likes On The Facebook???

Liking stuff on Facebook is one of the easiest ways of expressing your approval for these causes or concepts that truly strike a chord with you. You can Like any page, product or website which has a Like button on it. It will be shared among your friends instantly letting them know that you like a specific page or product. Do you want to get 1000's of Real Likes For Your FB Pages??

That is where a service such as LikeJournal comes in. It is a true organizer for Facebook likes. LikeJournal is a service which can organize all your likes as social bookmarks so that you can search and browse all the Facebook Likes easily. Using LikeJournal is very easy. You don’t have to signup for the service, just login with your Facebook Account and start using the service. By granting the application access to your Facebook account, it will retrieve all these things that you have liked and then present them to you in an ordered fashion. You will be able to see all that you have liked in the past, and (this is actually very interesting) you will even be able to share what you have liked with your friends, in the same way one would actually share a link.

How it works?
  • When you log into LikeJournal, your Likes from Facebook are pulled in and indexed so you can browse and search them through the extension or LikeJournal website.

  • When you click a Like Button while browsing, LikeJournal tracks that for you too!

  • Find yourself on a website without a Like Button? Click the LikeJournal toolbar button to get a Like button for any website you're on!
Visit website Here


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