Saturday, May 12, 2012

StartUpLite : A Tool To Remove Disabled Programs From Windows StartUp

No one likes waiting for their computer to start - it’s like watching paint dry.

StartUpLite is a lightweight software that can disable or remove all known unnecessary startup entries from your system and thus quicken the startup procedure of your computer. StartUpLite provides a safe, easy, and efficient way to eliminate unnecessary applications that start when you turn on your computer. By disabling or removing unnecessary entries, StartUpLite can dramatically shorten your startup time with just a few clicks of the mouse. Stop waiting and start computing.

Just run it and StartUpLite lists start-up programs it deems unnecessary. A short description is given for each item. Select programs also rate a short explanation describing how disabling the app would affect the system. Each listed program has three check box options to Disable, Remove, or perform No Action. Simply click to choose for each and press a single button to continue. The program removes or disables checked entries and recommends a system reboot.

StartUpLite doesn't offer a method to restore disabled programs, but presents a link to open Msconfig to perform the function. Less-experienced users should find this app helpful in uncovering unneeded start-up programs.

This freebie is a great tool for speeding up system starts and eliminating unnecessary system overhead.

Download Startuplite from Here


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